Minoggio Campione del Mondo Skyrunning - 1 Novembre 2024 - 10:03Nell’ambito dei Campionati Mondiali di Skyrunning, sabato 7 settembre 2024 si è svolta a Covaleda (Soria), Spagna, la prova Ultra Sky Desafio Urbion. |
"One Love Bob Marley" - 25 Settembre 2024 - 10:03"One Love Bob Marley" alla Casa del Popolo di Suna il reading di Federico Traversa. |
Incidentalità nel VCO - 28 Febbraio 2024 - 12:05Un urto laterale, sul rettilineo di una strada extraurbana in agosto. Una guida distratta ed ecco che avviene l'incidente. É la casistica tipo di un sinistro nel VCO, così come emerge dagli ultimi dati sull'incidentalità nel territorio provinciale giunti all'Automobile Club del VCO e riferiti anno 2022. |
Rolling Truck Street Food Festival - 14 Giugno 2023 - 09:33Da giovedì 15 a sabato 17 giugno, Cannobio si riempie nuovi sapori con festival del cibo di strada su ruote. |
Mostra fotografica "Il Chaco ieri e oggi" sulle orme di Guido Boggiani - 11 Novembre 2022 - 13:03Apre al pubblico, sabato 12 Novembre alle ore 11.00, la mostra fotografica “IL CHACO IERI E OGGI. Sulle orme di Guido Boggiani” a cura di Gherardo La Francesca e Luca Rugiu. |
Montecrossa canzone su Russia e Ucraina - 27 Gennaio 2022 - 09:24Visto la situazione tra Russia e l'Ucraina Michel Montecrossa ha creato la canzone e music movie (con sottotitoli in italiano) ‘Weite Oder Härte? – Wideness Or Hardness?’ (‘Vastità O Durezza? – Wideness Or Hardness?’). |
Orta Festival 2019 - 4 Luglio 2019 - 19:06La XX Edizione di Orta Festival mette al centro della sua programmazione la figura dell’interprete. Si avrà modo infatti di riascoltare prestigiosi artisti che nel corso delle 19 passate edizioni hanno instaurato un rapporto speciale e di amicizia con il Festival. |
“City of Guitars” 2018 - 21 Settembre 2018 - 17:32Un evento più unico che raro sta sbarcando a Locarno, che per un weekend diventerà una vera e propria “City of Guitars”. |
Metti una sera al cinema - Il Cliente - 13 Febbraio 2017 - 09:16Il Cinecircolo Socio Culturale Don Bosco, martedì 14 febbraio 2017, per la rassegna "Metti una sera al Cinema", presso Il Maggiore doppia proiezione ore 17:30 e 20:30 di "Il Cliente". |
Michel Montecrossa due canzoni su Trump - 19 Gennaio 2017 - 23:49Due nuovi canzoni & video che Michel Montecrossa ha creato in vista dell'insediamento e presidenza di Donald Trump. |
Giovane scacchista verbanese vice Campione del Mondo - 1 Novembre 2015 - 09:02Francesco Claudio Agnello che difende i colori del Circolo Scacchistico del Cusio di Verbania, si è laureato vice Campione del Mondo Juniors on Line. |
Andrea Marcovicchio porta la Val Grande in America - 25 Ottobre 2015 - 13:41“Red Ribbon” vola in America. Già proiettato all’Other Movie Film Festival di Lugano e selezionato al Los Angeles CineFest, il cortometraggio diretto dal fotografo e regista verbanese Andrea Marcovicchio piace sempre più negli Stati Uniti. |
Concerto alla Loggia del Leopardo - 16 Ottobre 2014 - 10:41Concerto da non perdere alla Loggia del Leopardo: THE RUBINOOS (POWERPOP LEGENDS FROM BERKELEY, USA) + RADIO DAYS . |
Giovane regista verbanese debutta in Florida - 15 Aprile 2014 - 15:43Inizia in Florida la carriera di regista di Andrea Marcovicchio. A Saint Petersburg, vicino a Tampa, il 24enne di Verbania parteciperà nelle prossime settimane al Sunscreen film festival. |
Work4You: Professioni più richieste negli USA. Meglio essere pronti anche qui! - 6 Agosto 2013 - 08:30Anche se non pensate di trasferirvi negli USA, vale la pena buttare un occhio un po’ più in là, pure se di ‘qualche’ migliaio di chilometri. |
I Doctor Krapula a Verbania - 1 Agosto 2013 - 18:04Il 6 agosto e 7 agosto a Marano del Ticino e Verbania, le uniche due date italiane, della rock band rivelazione dell’America Latina. |
Work4You: Diventare cuoco. Pardon, chef. - 9 Aprile 2013 - 08:30Il campo della ristorazione sembra offrire notevoli opportunità di lavoro anche in un momento di crisi. |
Obbligatorietà della Vaccinazione Antiinfluenzale e Antipneumococcica - 5 Maggio 2020 - 10:04Vaccinazioni obbligatorieCondivido completamente quanto espresso da fr che ringrazio per il link del United states Department of Health and Human Services, che sarebbe utile fosse letto da tutti. Consiglio di leggere attentamente anche i foglietti illustrativi che devono essere obbligatoriamente, per ora, forniti ai pazienti. |
Obbligatorietà della Vaccinazione Antiinfluenzale e Antipneumococcica - 4 Maggio 2020 - 21:22Prima una bella firmettaHealth Resources and Services Administration facente parte del United states Department of Health and Human Services che è il dicastero del governo federale statunitense che si occupa della salute dei cittadini. In un periodo di 30 anni ha dovuto sborsare 4,3 miliardi di dollari per risarcimenti per danni da vaccini. https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vaccine-compensation/data/data-statistics-report.pdf Naturalmente si deve considerare, se si è onesti intellettualmente, che chi intenta una causa è solamente una piccola parte, per svariate ragioni, ad es. perché non si ha la forza psicologica o culturale per giungere a ciò, oppure perché nemmeno si sospetta che i danni siano da imputare a determinata vaccinazione, ecc. Glisso su alcune parti della "nota" perché sono buono e non voglio infierire. Ad ogni modo, data la proposta, si può fare una semplice cosa per tagliare la testa al toro. L'ordine dei medici e il Dott Arturo Lincio e tutte le "cabine di regia" annesse e connesse, e i medici che effettueranno le vaccinazioni, dovranno garantire con una loro firmetta che risponderanno personalmente per tutte le vaccinazioni che si effettueranno da ora in avanti. Ma ho il sospetto che questa idea non sarà molto gradita. p.s. si dimentica di descrivere cosa avverrebbe agli operatori del settore sanitario e gli over 65 in caso di rifiuto, si attendono ragguagli. tanto per rendere tali persone edotte.... |
Comitato Stop 5G incontra Marchionini - 29 Febbraio 2020 - 03:20Comitato stop 5G VCOGentile sig. Guerra di seguito leggerà l'Introduzione del professor Martin Blank della Columbia University, a un appello di piu' di 160 colleghi sui rischi dei campi elettromagnetici che oggi raggiungono livelli enormemente più grandi del livello naturale.che possono dannegiare il DNA delle cellule e causare il cancro. Sul sito EMFScientist.org puo' trovare l'appello completo con la firma degli scienziati che lo hanno sottoscritto. Introduction to the United Nations EMF Appeal Delivered by Martin Blank, PhD, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University I'm here with disturbing news about our favorite gadgets: cell phones, tablets, wi-fi, etc. Putting it bluntly, they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely. I'm Dr. Martin Blank, from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University. It is distressing for me, and more than 160 colleagues, who today are petitioning the United Nations requesting that they address this problem. We are scientists and engineers, and I am here to tell you - we have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control! Before Edison's lightbulb, there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment. The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation. An example that a lot of us have in our pockets right now is the cell phone. One study shows that as cell phone usage has spread widely, the incidence of fatal brain cancer in younger people has more than tripled. We are putting cellular antennas on residential buildings, and on top of hospitals, where people are trying to get well. Wireless utility meters, and cell towers, are blanketing our neighborhoods with radiation. It's particularly frightening that radiation from our telecommunication and powerline technology is damaging the DNA in our cells. It is clear to many biologists that this can account for the rising cancer rates. Future generations - OUR CHILDREN - ARE AT RISK. These biologists and scientists are not being heard on the committees that set safety standards. The BIOLOGICAL facts are being ignored, and as a result, the safety limits are much too high. THEY ARE NOT PROTECTIVE! More protection will probably result from full disclosure of possible conflicts of interest between regulators and industry. Rising exposure to electromagnetic radiation is a GLOBAL problem. The World Health Organization and international standard setting bodies are not acting to protect the public's health and well-being. International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, and in particular, on our DNA. Although we are still in the midst of a great technological transformation, the time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We are really all part of a large biological experiment, without our informed consent. To protect our children, ourselves, and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines. And so, today, scientists from around the world are submitting an Appeal to the United Nations, its member states and the World Health Organization, to provide leadership in dealing with this emerging public health crisis. Details of The Appeal can be found at EMFScientist.org |
Comitato Stop 5G incontra Marchionini - 29 Febbraio 2020 - 02:57Comitato stop 5G VCOEgr sig. Guerra, Di seguito un appello di 248 scienziati di 42 nazioni che chiedono un programma urgente di protezione della natura e del genere umano dal 4G e 5G che significano alti rischi e una crisi globale.. U.N. Environment Programme Urged to Protect Nature and Humankind from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) 4G/5G antenna densification is escalating health risks - a global crisis New York, NY, July 22, 2019. The Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal, representing 248 scientists from 42 nations, have resubmitted The Appeal to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director, Inger Andersen, requesting the UNEP reassess the potential biological impacts of next generation 4G and 5G telecommunication technologies to plants, animals and humans. There is particular urgency at this time as new antennas will be densely located throughout residential neighborhoods using much higher frequencies, with greater biologically disruptive pulsations, more dangerous signaling characteristics, plus transmitting equipment on, and inside, homes and buildings. The Advisors to The Appeal recommend UNEP seriously weigh heavily the findings of the independent, non-industry associated EMF science The Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal - Annie Sasco, MD, Dr.PH., Henry Lai, Ph.D., Joel Moskowitz, PhD., Ronald Melnick, Ph.D. and Magda Havas, Ph.D., call upon the UNEP to be a strong voice for the total environment of the planet, and an effective catalyst within the United Nations with regards to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic pollution. The complete Press Release is here and it links to the recent letter to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) The press release has been translated in 11 different languages. For further translations, scroll to translator at the bottom of this page. Summary of the Appeal The Appeal is being signed by scientists who have published peer-reviewed papers on the biological or health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, part of the electromagnetic field (EMF) spectrum that includes extremely low frequency fields (ELF) emitted by electrical devices; and, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), used for wireless communications. Scientists who have published peer- reviewed papers in related fields and have been significantly engaged in EMF education, are recognized as Supporting Scientists. The Appeal urgently calls upon the United Nations, the WHO, UNEP and the UN Member states to: •Address the global public health concerns related to exposure to cell phones, power lines, electrical appliances, wireless devices, wireless utility meters and wireless infrastructure in residential homes, schools, communities and businesses. The scientific findings identified by the signators and others justify this appeal. The World Health Organization (WHO) is encouraged to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines, to call for precautionary measures, and to educate the public about health risks, particularly risks posed to children and to normal fetal development. By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfil its role as the preeminent international public health agency. •The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) is the U.N.’s “voice for the environment” and is uniquely positioned to take a planetary view of the potential for harm that EMF pollution presents to, biology -- evolution, health, well being, and very survival of all living organisms world-wide. •We encourage the U.N. to ask UNEP to evaluate the scientific evidence and initiate an assessment of alternative exposure standards and practices that could substantially lower human exposures to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Note: The Appeal was initially submitted on May 11, 2015 Press Release announcing International EMF Scientist Appeal (May 11, 2015) The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded in two final reports re |
Comitato Stop 5G incontra Marchionini - 15 Febbraio 2020 - 09:10Comitato stop 5G VCO6. The Assembly regrets that, despite calls for the respect of the precautionary principle and despite all the recommendations, declarations and a number of statutory and legislative advances, there is still a lack of reaction to known or emerging environmental and health risks and virtually systematic delays in adopting and implementing effective preventive measures. Waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof before taking action to prevent well-known risks can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco. 7. Moreover, the Assembly notes that the problem of electromagnetic fields or waves and their potential consequences for the environment and health has clear parallels with other current issues, such as the licensing of medication, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals or genetically modified organisms. It therefore highlights that the issue of independence and credibility of scientific expertise is crucial to accomplish a transparent and balanced assessment of potential negative impacts on the environment and human health. 8. In light of the above considerations, the Assembly recommends that the member states of the Council of Europe: 8.1. in general terms: 8.1.1. take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, and particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours; 8.1.2. reconsider the scientific basis for the present standards on exposure to electromagnetic fields set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which have serious limitations, and apply ALARA principles, covering both thermal effects and the athermic or biological effects of electromagnetic emissions or radiation; 8.1.3. put in place information and awareness-raising campaigns on the risks of potentially harmful long-term biological effects on the environment and on human health, especially targeting children, teenagers and young people of reproductive age; 8.1.4. pay particular attention to “electrosensitive” people who suffer from a syndrome of intolerance to electromagnetic fields and introduce special measures to protect them, including the creation of wave-free areas not covered by the wireless network; 8.1.5. in order to reduce costs, save energy, and protect the environment and human health, step up research on new types of antenna, mobile phone and DECT-type device, and encourage research to develop telecommunication based on other technologies which are just as efficient but whose effects are less negative on the environment and health; 8.2. concerning the private use of mobile phones, DECT wireless phones, WiFi, WLAN and WIMAX for computers and other wireless devices such as baby monitors: 8.2.1. set preventive thresholds for levels of long-term exposure to microwaves in all indoor areas, in accordance with the precautionary principle, not exceeding 0.6 volts per metre, and in the medium term to reduce it to 0.2 volts per metre; 8.2.2. undertake appropriate risk-assessment procedures for all new types of device prior to licensing; 8.2.3. introduce clear labelling indicating the presence of microwaves or electromagnetic fields, the transmitting power or the specific absorption rate (SAR) of the device and any health risks connected with its use; 8.2.4. raise awareness on potential health risks of DECT wireless telephones, baby monitors and other domestic appliances which emit continuous pulse waves, if all electrical equipment is left permanently on standby, and recommend the use of wired, fixed telephones at home or, failing that, models which do not permanently emit pulse waves; 8.3. concerning the protection of children: 8.3.1. develop within different ministries (education, environment and health) targeted information campaigns aimed at teachers, parents and children to alert them to the specific risks of early, ill-considered and prolonged use of mobiles and other devices emitting microwaves; |
Comitato Stop 5G incontra Marchionini - 14 Febbraio 2020 - 21:25Comitato stop 5G VCOGENT SIG. ROCCO Le copio di seguito la risoluzione integrale in lingua inglese 1815 del 2011 del Consiglio d'Europa. Legga attentamente i 8.1.4. che afferma "di prestare particolare attenzione alle persone elettrosensibili....." e il punto 8.2.1 dove indica il valore di 0,6 V/m come limite da portare al valore di 0,2 V/m Resolution 1815(2011) Final version The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin - Text adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 27 May 2011 (see Doc. 12608, report of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs, rapporteur: Mr Huss). 1. The Parliamentary Assembly has repeatedly stressed the importance of states’ commitment to preserving the environment and environmental health, as set out in many charters, conventions, declarations and protocols since the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and the Stockholm Declaration (Stockholm, 1972). The Assembly refers to its past work in this field, namely Recommendation 1863 (2009) on environment and health: better prevention of environment-related health hazards, Recommendation 1947 (2010) on noise and light pollution, and more generally, Recommendation 1885 (2009) on drafting an additional protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the right to a healthy environment and Recommendation 1430 (1999) on access to information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice – implementation of the Ǻrhus Convention. 2. The potential health effects of the very low frequency of electromagnetic fields surrounding power lines and electrical devices are the subject of ongoing research and a significant amount of public debate. According to the World Health Organization, electromagnetic fields of all frequencies represent one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences, about which anxiety and speculation are spreading. All populations are now exposed in varying degrees to electromagnetic fields, the levels of which will continue to increase as technology advances. 3. Mobile telephony has become commonplace around the world. This wireless technology relies upon an extensive network of fixed antennae, or base stations, relaying information with radio-frequency signals. Over 1.4 million base stations exist worldwide and the number is increasing significantly with the introduction of third generation technology. Other wireless networks that allow high-speed Internet access and services, such as wireless local area networks, are also increasingly common in homes, offices and many public areas (airports, schools, residential and urban areas). As the number of base stations and local wireless networks increases, so does the radio-frequency exposure of the population. 4. While electrical and electromagnetic fields in certain frequency bands have wholly beneficial effects which are applied in medicine, other non-ionising frequencies, whether from extremely low frequencies, power lines or certain high frequency waves used in the fields of radar, telecommunications and mobile telephony, appear to have more or less potentially harmful, non-thermal, biological effects on plants, insects and animals as well as the human body, even when exposed to levels that are below the official threshold values. 5. As regards standards or threshold values for emissions of electromagnetic fields of all types and frequencies, the Assembly strongly recommends that the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle is applied, covering both the so-called thermal effects and the athermic or biological effects of electromagnetic emissions or radiation. Moreover, the precautionary principle should be applied when scientific evaluation does not allow the risk to be determined with sufficient certainty. Given the context of growing exposure of the population, in particular that of vulnerable groups such as young people and children, there |
Pochi a bordo dell'aliscafo - 10 Novembre 2014 - 21:35MassimoVai così Massimo, e speriamo che come te ce ne siano molti altri. Non finiamo come negli states, dove gli pseudoambientalisti pur di bloccare l'oleodotto dall'Alaska continuano a permettere che migliaia di enormi camion cisterna facciano avanti e indietro. |